The Q-BOOM is the ultimate device to pop balloons on cue! Gain the ultimate in flexibility to pop one balloon on cue or multiple balloons at once (when using multiple Q-BOOM receivers) through the state-of-the-art wireless transmitter. Simply attach the Receiver onto the 3 foot balloon and when ready press the detonator button on the transmtter and POP. The Q-BOOM is designed to pop the latex balloon using a sharp blade that extends from the Receiver on cue and automatically retracts; requiring no pyrotechnics, gas powered systems or hot wires.
Multiple Recievers can be added to your Q-BOOM System by simply syncing/pairing the Receivers to one Transmitter. Each Q-BOOM Receiver includes a flexible cable allowing for easy rigging to pipes or structures it will hang from.
The Q-BOOM Kit Includes:
• 1 - Receiver
• 1 - Transmitter
• 1 - Set of Batteries
• 1 - Cutomized Tool for Replacing Batteries
• Instructions
Planning to purchase multiple transmitters? Check out the .
Check out the videos below to see the Q-BOOM in action and to learn more about how the system works!
Q-Boom System in Action Video:
Q-Boom System - The Complete Guide Video:
Q-Boom - Basic Setup & Operating Instructions Video:
Q-Boom - Basic Connection & Rigging Techniques Video: